Biomass Electricity

Biomass Electricity

The Company utilizes the bagasses obtained from the sugarcane crushing process as its main fuel in generating some electricity and stream used in the sugar manufacturing process of the Company. The electricity in excess of the Company’s own consumption is sold to the Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA).
Part 1

It is used in factories for the sugar production.

Part 2

The Company sell electricity a part of surplus from own used in production to PEA and EGAT. Currently, the supply contract electricity to government can be summarized below:

Unit of Company Contract Party Type of contract Quantity electricity per contract
KPP Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) Very Small Power Producer (VSPP) Non-Firm size 8 MW
KPP Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) Very Small Power Producer (VSPP) Non-Firm size 8 MW
KPP Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) Small Power Producer (SPP) Firm size 22 MW